Speaker:   Dalibor Froncek
  Department of Mathematics and Statistics
  University of Minnesota Duluth

Title:  Decompositions of complete bipartite graphs into prisms revisited

A generalized prism, or more specifically an (0,j)-prism of order 2n (where n is even) is a cubic graph consisting of two cycles joined by two sets of spokes. The question of factorization of complete bipartite graphs into (0,j)-prisms was completely settled by Froncek and Cichacz. Some partial results on decompositions of complete bipartite graphs have also been obtained by Cichacz, Froncek, and Kovar, and on decompositions of complete graphs Cichacz, Dib, and Froncek. The problem of decomposition of complete graphs into prisms of order 12 and 16 was completely solved by Cichacz, Froncek and Meszka. I will report on the latest, rather chaotic development. Or, as the famous saying goes, I will retract what I have retracted, and promise what I have promised.