Speaker:   Dr. Yong Shi
  College of Information Science and Technology
  University of Nebraska at Omaha

Title: Data Mining Techniques by Multiple Criteria Linear Programming

It is well known that data mining has been implemented by statistics, induction decision tree, neural networks, rough set, fuzzy set and etc. This presentation reports multiple criteria linear programming (MCLP) approaches to data mining. It first revisits linear discriminant analysis based on linear programming. Secondly, it presents several models of MCLP approaches to classification. The fundamental connections between MCLP and support vector machine (SVM) will be investigated. Thirdly, it reviews two real-life MCLP classification applications: credit card bankruptcy prediction, AIDS/HIV neurological impairment detection and information security. As a part of the performance analyses, a series of data testing comparisons between the MCLP, induction decision tree and neural networks approaches are demonstrated. These findings suggest that the MCLP-data mining techniques have a great potential in discovering knowledge patterns from a large-scale real-life database or data warehouse. Finally, the presentation outlines a number of application fields of MCLP classification.
Yong Shi has been the Charles W. and Margre H. Durham Distinguished Professor of Information Technology, College of Information Science and Technology, University of Nebraska at Omaha since 1999. He received his B.S. in mathematics from Southwest Petroleum Institute (SWPI), China, 1982 and a Ph. D. in management science from University of Kansas, 1991. He also obtained a MBA certificate from National Center for Industrial Science and Technology Management Development (co-sponsored by USA and China), Dalian University of Science and Technology, China, 1983. Dr. Shi has many awards and honors, such as Outstanding Young Scientist Award, National Science Foundation of China, 2001; Member of Overseas Assessor for Chinese Academy of Sciences, May 2000; and Speaker of Distinguished Visitors Program (DVP) for 1997-2000, IEEE Computer Society, USA. He has consulted in a number of famous companies. Dr. Shi's current research interests are knowledge management, data mining and data warehousing, customer relationship management, Internet technologies, information overload, optimal system designs, multiple criteria decision making, decision support systems, and telecommunication management. He has published five books and more than sixty papers in various journals including Management Science, Operations Research, Operations Research Letters, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, European Journal of Operational Research, Decision Support Systems, Computer and Operations Research, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Computer and Mathematics with Applications, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Systems Science, Information and Management, and Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research. He is the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making and an Area Editor of International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management.