Maziar Salahi and Tamás Terlaky, Postponing the Choice of the Barrier Parameter in Mehrotra-Type Predictor-Corrector Algorithms
Klaus Jansen and Hu Zhang, Scheduling Malleable Tasks
Alireza Ghaffari Hadigheh, Oleksandr Romanko and Tamás Terlaky, Sensitivity Analysis in Convex Quadratic Optimization: Simultaneous Perturbation of the Objective and Right-Hand-Side Vectors
Olesya Peshko, Christopher K. Anand and Tam�s Terlaky, Algorithmic Aspects of Surface Reconstruction from Structured-Light Images in Noisy Conditions
Antoine Deza, Sui Huang, Tamon Stephen and Tam�s Terlaky, Algorithms and Tests for the Colourful Feasibility Problem