Zhuo Zheng, member of the Advanced Optimiztion Laboratory, won second prize for the best graduate presentation at the WindSOR/SWORD 2004 (Windsor Student Operational Research Day / South Western Ontario Operational Research Day). Our congratulations.


Stephen Stoyan, member of the Advanced Optimiztion Laboratory, won first prize at the MITACS (Mathematics of Information Technolgy and Complex Systems) student poster competition for his work on "Optimizing RF Pulses in MRI via Optimal Control." Our congratulations to all contributors - Christopher K. Anand, Stephen J. Stoyan and Tamás Terlaky.


Oleksandr Romanko, member of the Advanced Optimiztion Laboratory, won the Canadian Operational Research Society student paper competition prize for the paper "Sensitivity Analysis in Convex Quadratic Optimization: Simultaneous Perturbation of the Objective and Right-Hand-Side Vectors." Our congratulations to all authors of the paper - Alireza Ghaffari Hadigheh, Oleksandr Romanko and Tamás Terlaky.